Central Bank of India Jobs: Just a degree pass is enough.. you can apply.. Rs. 86,000 per month
Central Bank of India Jobs: This is good news for candidates who have passed any degree. Notification has been released for the recruitment of various jobs in Central Bank of India.
Eligible candidates should apply online.
This is a good opportunity for the unemployed. Notification has been released for the recruitment of Junior Management Grade Scale 1 jobs in Central Bank of India. Interested candidates can apply online. Let’s know the complete details of the notification in detail.
Total number of job vacancies: 266
Out of which Management Grade Scale-1 jobs are vacant.
Apply online for these jobs.
Starting date of application: January 21, 2025
Last date for online application: February 9, 2025
The exam is likely to be held in March 2025.
After the exam, an interview will be conducted and selection will be made for the job.
Application Fee: Rs. 850. (Rs. 175 for SC, ST, Women and Divyang candidates)
Age: Candidates applying for the job should be between 21 and 32 years. (There is an age relaxation of three years for BCs, five years for SC, ST and ten years for Divyang candidates.)
Zone-wise vacancies:
Ahmedabad: 123
Chennai: 58
Guwahati: 43
Hyderabad: 42
Salary: Candidates selected for the job will get a salary ranging from Rs. 48,480 to Rs. 85,920 per month.
Job Selection Process:
The test will be conducted for a total of 120 questions for 120 marks. The allotted time is 80 minutes.
20 questions will be asked from English Language, 60 questions from Banking Knowledge, 20 questions from Computer Knowledge, 20 questions from Economic Scenario and General Awareness. Each question will carry one mark.
The written test will carry 70 percent weightage and the interview will carry 30 percent weightage.
Official website: https://www.centralbankofindia.co.in/en